Drinks to enjoy on the summer terrace


At Harunire Terrace, lush trees such as spring elms provide shade here and there. Even on sunny days, the terrace allows in a pleasant breeze, making it the perfect place to enjoy a summer drink.


"Morino Frappe" 850 yen
The concept is "Gather in the forest, play in the forest, and live in the forest."MORIASOBINow, we will be offering a pineapple Morino Frappe, available only during the summer.
This frappe, which allows you to enjoy the sweetness and freshness of fresh pineapple and is topped with soft almond cream, is sure to blow away the heat of Karuizawa's humid summers.


"Apricot Tropical Tea" 756 yen
This refreshing drink is based on a tropical flavored tea that evokes summer and is combined with amaretto syrup with a fragrant almond-like aroma.
The soft sweetness and texture of the chilled almond tofu, mixed with the mint-topped whipped cream, allows you to enjoy the changing taste and appearance as you drink.Bakery & Restaurant SawamuraIt is a seasonal drink.


"Yellow Smoothie (Colorful Carrot x Apple Juice)" 560 yen
"Green Smoothie (Salad Kale x Apple x Apple Juice)" 560 yen
"Red Smoothie (Tomato x Apple Juice)" 560 yen

kokopelliThe most popular "Green Smoothie" is an easy-to-drink smoothie with a perfect balance of salad kale, which is in season right now, apples, and apple juice. The "Yellow Smoothie" contains colorful carrots, and the finished color changes depending on the color of the carrots harvested that day. The "Red Smoothie" uses cherry tomatoes and will not be sold until the tomatoes are fully ripe. Please enjoy all three colors in the middle of summer.
*The salad kale in the green smoothie will be replaced with komatsuna once the season ends.