New Year at Harunire Terrace
- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Sweets and drinks for winter cafe time
- 食
- Souvenir
Christmas gifts at Harunire Terrace
- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Enjoy autumn flavors in sweets and warm items
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- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Drinks, sweets, and items related to yellow flowers
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- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Brightly colored drink items
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- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Items that reflect the changing seasons
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- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Yo-Ho Brewing Special Tasting Event
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- Souvenir
How a “gift tag that conveys gratitude” is created
- Souvenir
- Other
Harunire Terrace Lucky Bag 2024
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- Lifestyle
- Souvenir
Autumn event limited takeout sweets
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- Souvenir